Linda Poole
NCAT Regenerative Grazing Specialist
At Soil for Water, our hearts go out to everyone impacted by catastrophic wildfires in New Mexico. As if the fires aren't horrendous enough, post-fire flooding can exponentially expand the damage to landscapes and communities. Carol Ekarius of the Colorado-based nonprofit Coalitions and Collaboratives, COCO for short, has a wealth of experience and resources to share on the topic of post-fire recovery. Check out the extensive list of resources at
And if you're among the lucky people not yet impacted by wildfire, listen to a podcast with Carol on pre-fire strategies as well as post-fire recovery:
Our hats off to Carol Ekarius and the good work of COCO!
And if you're among the lucky people not yet impacted by wildfire, listen to a podcast with Carol on pre-fire strategies as well as post-fire recovery:
Our hats off to Carol Ekarius and the good work of COCO!