Search results

  1. Linda Poole

    March 2: Fertility without commercial fertilizer!

    In today's session on fertility, a question was asked about the use of wool as a soil fertilizer. Great question! And what an exciting use for wool that otherwise would end up as waste! I loved Mark Schonbeck's answer that wool is for wearing 😉 but not all wool makes great socks or sweaters! A...
  2. Linda Poole

    March 2: Fertility without commercial fertilizer!

    Great sessions going on today at the NCAT Growing Hope conference: Mark Schonbeck, Organic Farming Research Foundation Emily Oakley and Mike Appel, Three Springs Farm Dave Scott, Montana Highland Lamb The use of synthetic fertilizer is one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions in...
  3. Linda Poole

    Brad Lancaster, urban water harvester extraordinaire!

    No words necessary other than everybody ought to watch this!
  4. Linda Poole

    What gives you hope? What would make you optimistic about the future of ag?

    One thing that gives me hope is the number, diversity, and engagement of the participants in this, the first day of NCAT's 2023 conference! As one person said today, it's easy to feel discouraged by weather calamities, and to feel isolated in agriculture. But when we come together to learn and...
  5. Linda Poole

    Dr. Jeff Creque: All farming is carbon farming . . .

    Jeff Creque of the Carbon Cycle Institute told our conference crowd today that all farming is carbon planning -- and that the farming practices we choose point us either toward or away from climate beneficial outcomes. Also heard: "A successful carbon farm plan culitvates successful farmers!"...
  6. Linda Poole

    Dr. Rattan Lal's presentation rocked!

    A few screenshots of Dr. Lal's talk, which left me feeling "Together, we can do this! Agriculture can help reverse climate change, and in doing that, we build resilience and profit into our farms and ranches!" Looking forward to the next session, starting shortly, where we'll learn about carbon...
  7. Linda Poole

    What gives you hope? What would make you optimistic about the future of ag?

    The theme of NCAT's 2023 virtual conference is Growing Hope: Practical Tools for our Changing Climate. In the spirit of walking the talk, for three weeks, more than 20 speakers are going to be sharing tools, techniques, and approaches that ag producers can use to adapt successfully to today's...
  8. Linda Poole

    Um, how about raising maggots or leeches? Really!

    Talk about alternative crops in agriculture -- check this article by Amelia Tait in The Guardian: Medieval medicine: the return to maggots and leeches to treat ailments Old time cattle and sheep folks sometimes let maggots clean wounds in livestock, and I saw the practice used successfully...
  9. Linda Poole

    Feb 28: Soils, climate, and hope!

    Join us online on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 to hear from producers and world renowned soil scientist, Dr. Rattan Lal: 11 a.m.- 12 p.m. EST Conference Opening Keynote: Dr. Rattan Lal, 2020 World Food Prize Awardee and Distinguished University Professor of Soil Science, The Ohio State University...
  10. Linda Poole

    Join us in Growing Hope: agriculture conference Feb 28 - Mar 16

    Starting Tuesday, Feb. 28, join hundreds of ag producers and partners in a free, virtual conference designed to share practical tools to build a bright future for agriculture. Wacky weather, changing climate, erratic economics -- with these challenges, it's all too easy to lose hope for our...
  11. Linda Poole

    Another look at the Haney test

    The Noble Research Institute puts out a lot of useful information on regenerative ag, including this article by Kristina Tober on measuring soil health using the Haney test: What the Haney test can do: And what it DOESN'T do: Read the entirety of this helpful article at...
  12. Linda Poole

    How perennial crops boost biodiversity on and off the farm

    In Civil Eats, journalist Christina Cooke reports "Above and belowground, perennial crops including wheat, grasses, trees, and more provide habitat and nutrition to creatures that help make ecosystems whole": Read the article at...
  13. Linda Poole

    FREE, GREAT, ON-LINE AG CONFERENCE: Growing Hope: Practical Tools for our Changing Climate

    Starting Tuesday, Feb. 28, join hundreds of ag producers and partners in a free, virtual conference designed to share practical tools to build a bright future for agriculture. Wacky weather, changing climate, erratic economics -- with these challenges, it's all too easy to lose hope for our...
  14. Linda Poole

    Why I farm

    You've said it all, and said it well, emilyjost!!!🥰 That's why we're so fortunate to be agriculturalists, and why the world is so fortunate that we choose this lifework!
  15. Linda Poole

    Year-Round Grazing

    Thanks, Justin, for sharing this inspiring video! There's a lot of solid advice here from ranchers with years of practical experience on improving profits, happiness, soil health and livestock performance by focusing on good grass management!
  16. Linda Poole

    More on the benefits of soil health practices

    The Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association provides a lot of useful information on regenerative agriculture. Their recent paper provides more data on how some regenerative practices can improve water cycles through building soil health: Read the full article here.
  17. Linda Poole

    Cultivating Agricultural Climate Resilience -- free publication!

    Want a short guide to preventing -- or at least reducing -- climate catastrophes in your ag operation? Download a copy of this free publication by Laura Lengnick: Get your own copy from the SARE website: And...
  18. Linda Poole

    Bale grazing advice from North Dakota

    And Canadian ranchers have excellent advice as well:
  19. Linda Poole

    Bale grazing advice from North Dakota

    Useful advice from three ranches with experience to share: