Search results

  1. Linda Poole

    Brad Lancaster transforming Tucson (back into) a desert oasis!

    Brad Lancaster is a superhero dedicated to reversing desertification in urban settings and far beyond. I've learned so much from his books, talks, and videos about how every one of us might look at our immediate environment to consider how to capture rainwater as close as possible to wherever it...
  2. Linda Poole

    NRCS Support for Wildfires and Other Natural Disasters

    New Mexico Acequia Association is working hard and skillfully to help those affected by the devastating wildfires:
  3. Linda Poole

    NRCS Support for Wildfires and Other Natural Disasters

    Thanks for sharing this information, Hernan. Sarah Wentzel-Fisher of the Quivira Coalition shared this link yesterday with information on USDA Farm Service Agency emergency relief programs that will apply nationwide...
  4. Linda Poole

    Water and Wildlife on Working Lands: June 23 workshop in New Mexico

    JOIN US FOR OUR THIRD INSTALLMENT OF THE WATER & WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT ON WORKING LANDS FIELD DAY SERIES, AT UTE CREEK CATTLE COMPANY! We’ll learn all about grazing for water and wildlife, creek restoration, supporting local bird populations, and building water tanks and water conservation...
  5. Linda Poole


    Omar, your point is well taken. In designing the forum we thought the category of spreading water would cover irrigation. But that's a bit obscure on second thought. If we change the category to "Irrigation and Water Spreading" would that meet your suggestion? We are open to a better idea if you...
  6. Linda Poole

    Sheep Parasite Management Webinar May 24

    Integrated Parasite Management Strategies for Sheep Producers Join us for a webinar on May 24, 2022 at 7:00 PM CDT. Register now! Presenter: Dr. Andrew Weaver Extension Specialist, Small Ruminants North Carolina University Host: Dr...
  7. Linda Poole

    Bees are producing less honey -- saving the beekeeping industry will require a sea change in agricultural practices

    A May 9 article in Civil Eats by Lisa Held asks, "How Bad Is It For Bees?":
  8. Linda Poole

    Follow the Threads: Ergothioneine May Provide a Key Link Between Regenerative Agriculture and Human Health

    Soil health leads to human health, yes? But how exactly? Read the full article in today's edition of the Honest Columnist.
  9. Linda Poole

    Water scarcity predicted to worsen in more than 80% of croplands globally this century

    Thanks for posting this article, Mike. It's important and usually I would give a posting like this a thumbs up, but it sure is hard to 'like' the sobering reality of a water-scarce future. It is real. It is here. Now we learn to pivot toward the challenges, because "business as usual" in modern...
  10. Linda Poole

    Savannah Institute: Agroforestry in the Midwest and beyond!

    I just heard a fascinating discussion with Keefe Keeley of the Savannah Institute on the topic of integrating livestock grazing with agroforestry. Keefe helps lead the Savannah Institute’s work to advance agroforestry as a solution for land, climate, and farming communities. The Institute offers...
  11. Linda Poole

    Strategies to address farmer stress and suicides: May 17-19 webinars

    This convening brings together the leadership of USDA, producer serving organizations, and farmers and ranchers to discuss challenges, needs, and tools and resources to address farm stress and suicide. Sign up for one or more sessions on May 17-19 at...
  12. Linda Poole

    Excellent webinar on building soils by Dr. Kris Nichols

    Another excellent resource posted by the South Dakota Soil Health Coalition is this webinar where Dr. Kris Nichols talks about regenerative practices that can build soils, restore healthy water cycles, and produce nutrient dense food. I love how she blends science with practical approaches --...
  13. Linda Poole

    How to avoid a dust bowl: SD wind erosion video

    Check out this video that shows the effects of wind on tilled versus covered soils. You can find lots more useful information like this at the South Dakota Soil Health Coalition.
  14. Linda Poole

    Growing grapes? Got wildlife? Learn more . . . .

    Join the Wild Farm Alliance in American Canyon, CA, on June 7 for a power-packed day of learning about wildlife-friendly vineyard management. Hear how barn owls and cover crops can be your allies in dealing with moles, and how bluebird boxes can improve your grape harvest. Learn how California...
  15. Linda Poole

    Regenerative Grazing Revolution Is Taking Root in the Mid-Atlantic

    Wow, think of the great gains in profitability and great reductions in greenhouse gas emissions on Ron Holter's farm -- it makes me want to cheer! Like on that TV show years ago where a character was always saying, "I love it when a plan comes together!" Thanks for sharing, Lee!
  16. Linda Poole

    USDA seeking members for national pollinator committee

    Here's a cross-posting from our sister organization, the Agrisolar Clearinghouse for the pollinator-friendly folk among us:
  17. Linda Poole

    Cover Crops in Arid Lands

    Our friends at the New Mexico Healthy Soil Working Group shared this report, which states: Read the full story at:
  18. Linda Poole

    Bud Williams' low stress stockmanship in a nutshell

    Last week Denice Rackley posted a wonderful overview of low stress stockmanship in the Producer's Voice: This article sums up so much! And if you haven't already subscribed to the Producer's Voice, give it a try at Go there to find another great article by Denice...
  19. Linda Poole

    Great idea!?! Circular buffer strips!

    I'm sorry to hear that the Dust Bowl conditions are occurring in the high plains of Colorado as well as in Montana. That's a clever idea of using sterile sorghum that will winter kill. How difficult, and how useful, do you think the idea of circular buffers might be, compared to linear buffers...
  20. Linda Poole

    Turning soils into sponges in and beyond New Mexico

    Wondering if regenerative practices to rehydrate soils is worth all the effort? Check out this short piece by Christina Allday-Bondy about the potential benefits of restoring the soil sponge in New Mexico...