Search results

  1. HernanC

    What is the least damaging to the soil microbiome- light tillage or herbicide?

    What does the least amount of damage to the soil microbiome- light tillage or herbicide to control common mallow?
  2. HernanC

    Catching Rainwater

    I recently watched this video done by Kara Kroeger of NCAT and Tim Miller of Millberg Farm demonstrating two ways to catch and hold water. 1- Tim uses a super low-tech rainwater harvesting system of inclined panels and buckets throughout the farm which he then uses to water his row crops. 2- he...
  3. HernanC

    Recommendations for a microbiological soil health test.

    Hey all, I'm currently doing soil nutrient analysis on the 5 acres that I manage but am curious if someone is testing their soil for microbiological activity. The lab I use unfortunately doesn't do that. Any input is helpful!
  4. HernanC

    Anyone using biochar as a soil amendment?

    That's interesting to hear Linda. So although there may be some benefits in using biochar, in some cases it may ultimately prove futile if we're adding more carbon into the atmosphere huh? I'm not totally convinced on using it just yet on the 5 acres that I currently manage in Texas, but that's...
  5. HernanC

    Anyone using biochar as a soil amendment?

    According to a study published in the Journal of Science Total Environment, there was an investigation of the “effect of organic amendments (buffalo manure, compost and vermicompost) and biochar (applied alone or with vermicompost) on plant yield, soil fertility, soil erosion and water...
  6. HernanC

    Is Grassfed Meat and Dairy Better for Human and Environmental Health?

    Yes, there is currently a lot of research showing the different ways that grass-fed milk has more nutritional value than grain-fed milk. I particularly found the article below interesting because it shows that the fats found in grass-fed milk is healthier (high in omega-3s) than grain-fed...