Search results

  1. Linda Poole

    Sieben Livestock: grazing for a better future!

    Love this video, this ranch, this family, this approach! Cooper Hibbard inspires me with the way he blends tradition, science and deep understanding of the land to build a grazing program that benefits soil, water, wildlife, livestock, communities, economies and the future.
  2. Linda Poole

    NRCS: Helping sage grouse, cattle and water cycles

    USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has a program called Working Lands for Wildlife. WLFW provides financial and technical support for private landowners looking to remove trees from western rangelands. Since 2010, WLFW has partnered with more than 3,000 ranchers to conserve...
  3. Linda Poole

    Cattle grazing to protect towns from fire

    After another catastrophic fire season in the West, more people than ever before are seeking ways to reduce extreme fire behavior and prevent fires from taking out towns. Here in Montana last week, wind-driven fire wiped out much of the town of Denton, Montana...
  4. Linda Poole

    Rangeland Analysis Platform

    If you live in the Western US, there is a cool, powerful and FREE app to look at the productivity of rangelands over the last 25 years. The Rangeland Analysis Platform: I love how this app makes it easy to take a site-specific look at how rainfall and range production have changed over time...
  5. Linda Poole

    Why I farm

    Hey, we'd love to hear why you choose to farm, ranch or garden. What made you start in agriculture, and what keeps you going? What makes all the work worthwhile to you? I think we'll all have different reasons, and we'd love to hear yours!
  6. Linda Poole

    Bill Zeedyk, the water whisperer!

    Thanks for having a look, John. I would love to hear more about the riparian work you're planning.
  7. Linda Poole

    Bill Zeedyk, the water whisperer!

    It's Giving Tuesday and I chose to support this film which will soon share the amazing story of Bill Zeedyk. Bill is both hero and mentor to many of us working to restore healthy hydrologic function to eroded aridlands of the Western US. He has been called the water whisperer. I don't know...
  8. Linda Poole

    Anyone using biochar as a soil amendment?

    Just now heard Walter Jehne give the keynote address to the 2021 Manitoba Forage and Grasslands Association Regenerative Ag conference. He presented so much powerful information on what we can do as land managers to restore our soil sponge! If I understood Dr. Jehne correctly, biostimulants can...
  9. Linda Poole

    Drought of 2021, a Canadian perspective

    There's a wonderful article in Canadian Cattleman by Steve Kenyon about the drought of 2021. Steve is a phenomenal grass, land and livestock manager, and a great communicator as well. (Check out his FaceBook page at His final point in this...
  10. Linda Poole

    Anyone using biochar as a soil amendment?

    In a year like this one -- record drought for this part of Montana -- I'm up for trying about anything to increase water retention! Worm Ambassador Extraordinaire Nicole Masters did a great series of workshops in northern Montana this summer so vermiculture is a hot topic here now. Nicole...