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    Webinar 3/13/2025: What do pastured poultry eat? Arthropods....

    We’re excited to announce that we are resuming our monthly Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) webinars. Our next webinar, "Pastured Broilers: What They Eat and Their Impact on Arthropods," will take place on: Thursday, March 13, 2025 2:00-3:00 PM Pacific Registration Link...
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    Webinar 3/13/2025 on Avian Influenza

    FACT (Food Animal Concerns Trust) is offering a webinar on Bird Flu 3/13/2025 To Register: FACT also provides an this overview about bird flu, aka HPAI, or Highly Pathenogenic Avian Influenza on their website...
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    California Small Farm Conference 2/23-28/2025 - with poultry workshop Feb 23

    See for the full schedule and workshop descriptions. The poultry workshop will be on-line Sunday morning 2/23 9:45-11AM. Here's a quote from the CAFF website: "Welcome to the 37th annual California...
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    Ecological Farming Conference - includes two pastured poultry workshops-- one in English, one in Spanish

    Find more information at Early registration ends 12/13/2024 Super capable pastured poultry farmers will share their knowledge and we'll have Q&A about poultry production and profitability. And yes, unfortunately, the APPPA Conference (see post below) and EcoFarm...
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    APPPA Conference - schedule is posted; time to register!

    See the APPPA conference schedule and register at The price is lower if you register by 12/16/2024.
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    Pasture-Raised Turkey Directory; Get Real Chicken: Ways consumers can find pastured poultry farmers.

    Are people wondering where to get a really good turkey? Could it help you to be listed here? APPPA also offers an ongoing way for consumers to connect with pastured poultry farmers who are APPPA members here...
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    APPPA happenings: Conference, Applications to host a regional on-farm workshop (this is new!), and regular Q & A calls

    Go to the Website for the American Pastured Poultry Producer's Association (APPPA) for a lot of interesting stuff happening, including the annual conference in January in Texas. Here's a quote from the APPPA website: "The American Pastured Poultry Producers Association is a...
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    Farmer grant opportunities - Food Animals Concerns Trust (FACT)

    To learn more and open the application pages for either type of grant (apply for one or the other, not both), go directly to the FACT website: Here are a few excerpts from their site: "We have two different Fund-a-Farmer grant opportunities this...
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    Support for farmer-led trails from the Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF)

    From the OFRF Website: "Are you an organic or transitioning farmer or rancher who wants to test out a new agricultural practice on your farm?" "The goals of the FLT Program are to support farmers and ranchers in conducting practical, on-farm research that can address their farming challenges...
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    Beginning poultry farmers - What do you want and need?

    In addition to the poultry entrepreneur resources I am working on for NCAT/ATTRA I'm organizing pastured poultry workshops at two upcoming conferences -- the Latino Farmer Conference (Spanish) and the Ecological Farming Conference (Spanish and English), and possibly a third -- the California...
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    Poultry Workshop in Spanish at the Latino Farmer Conference / Conferencia del Agricultor Latino - Monterey County Nov. 19-20, 2024

    Latino/a Farmer Conference / Conferencia del Agricultor/a Latino/a includes a Field Day with visits to three organic farms in the Salinas Valley and Watsonville on November 19, and a conference day on November 20 with workshops --including Raising Poultry on Pasture and/or Integrated/Rotated...
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    FACT's webinar: Silvopasture For Poultry September 23, 2024 3pm ET

    Food Animals Concerns Trust (FACT) offers a number of services to farmers, including webinars. This one is coming up today...
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    "Ask APPPA" Q & A calls available to the public

    The American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA) offers calls the second Thursday of the month that are available to the public. See: The next one is tonight at 5PM Pacific Time (8PM Eastern). If you are not already familiar with...
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    FACT Webinar - Poultry Brooder Success

    Food Animals Concerns Trust (FACT) offers a variety of free webinars. The next one is coming up today, on Brooder Success They also offer many other services to livestock producers. Browse their website...
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    Chicken Tractor Workshop and Giveaway

    Chicken Tractor Workshop 1:30-3:30 PM Thursday, February 29, 2024, just before the CAFF regional gathering at the same location. Register (free) here: We are collaborating with the UC Davis Student Farm to host a field workshop and chicken tractor giveaway...
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    Poultry Ponderings, a newsletter for commercial and home poultry producers

    Curious about what UC Davis is doing for poultry farmers in California, both commercial and back-yard? Peruse the Fall 2023 issue here: It includes an article entitled Celebrating Latino Farmers! about a poultry workshop at NCAT's 9th annual...
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    Field Day in Iowa: Integrating Vegetable and Chicken Production Sept. 7

    Thursday September 7, 2023 9AM-2PM, Iowa State University (ISU) Horticulture Research Station, Ames, Iowa Field visit to ISU field trials to see mobile chicken coops (aka “chicken tractors”) in action. Short talks about tri-state research in Iowa, California and Kentucky. Potential benefits of...
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    Webinar series: Integrating Poultry and Crop Production

    Today is the second in a series on Integrating Poultry and Crop Production for Beginning Farmer-Rancher Development July 28, 2023 2:00-3:30PM PDT / 3:00-4:30PM MDT / 4:00-5:30 CDT / 5:00-6:30 EDT Integrating Poultry in Vegetable Rotations: What poultry density is needed to increase crop yields...
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    Welcome to the Pastured Poultry Forum!

    What is useful to farmers raising poultry on pasture, or in rotation with food crops? Like two wings of a bird, we need practical on-the-ground production practices together with business and economic considerations. Here on this forum, we can share knowledge and experience about productive...