Search results

  1. Linda Poole

    Nothing grows in this spot

    That's a puzzler, High Plainsman. A few questions: Is the bare place uphill, downhill, or level with the areas where vegetation grows successfully? Just looking at the soil surface in the picture it looks like maybe ponded water stands there at times? Do you suppose maybe it's gone anaerobic...
  2. Linda Poole

    How do you know ?

    Yes, High Plainsman! The world would be a much better place if we were as savvy as our dogs! (Though I do think shaking hands is a better way to meet new folks than the way dogs handle greetings.🙃)
  3. Linda Poole

    How do you know ?

    Those are some important questions, Erik. They show your deep compassion and concern. I am grateful for the many groups seeking to help those of us in ag deal effectively with stress and crucial conversations like you mention. I'm looking forward to an upcoming training on the topic. I'll report...
  4. Linda Poole

    200th generation farmer! Fantastic film of hope and indigenous wisdom

    Do whatever you can to get to see Inhabitants, a film on indigenous agroecological wisdom. This film, subtitled Indigenous Perspectives on Restoring Our World, is well deserving of the many awards and accolades it is winning. Tribal members from across the continent and Hawaii address restoring...
  5. Linda Poole

    Saving water in Colorado: Meet the no-till, fungi-friendly West Slope farmer

    In this article by Chris Outcalt in the Colorado Sun, meet regenerative rancher Lowell King. He's got a cautionary, and at the same time inspiring, story to tell about the importance of capturing and holding more water in soils:
  6. Linda Poole

    Plant your flag on the Regenerator's Atlas of America!

    Hey, head on over to the Soil for Water website to look at the brand new, searchable map of regenerative ag producers of America! If you want customers to find you, or if you want to connect with like-minded producers, fill out the short sign-up form. This is a free, no obligation service to...
  7. Linda Poole

    Growing Hope: building resilience in our lives

    Thanks for giving me a call, SC! Great idea to make that Farm Aid farmer resource list really easy for people to find! Hit the link above, or copy this address into your web browser: The page there has a way to easily search for just the type of...
  8. Linda Poole

    Growing Hope: building resilience in our lives

    An article in Civil Eats talks about farmers and ranchers supporting one another. They talk about COMET, "a program called Changing Our Mental and Emotional Trajectory (COMET), which was developed in 2014 at the High Plains Research Network, and which serves eastern Colorado’s rural and frontier...
  9. Linda Poole

    Webinar January 26, Grazing for Resilience

    You can view the webinar and find a handy list of resources below. There's also a related thread at Thanks for watching!
  10. Linda Poole

    Growing Hope: building resilience in our lives

    Last week, a couple of us from Soil for Water presented a webinar titled "Grazing for Resilience: Bouncing Forward from Catastrophic Events." The topic of rebounding from natural disaster sure hits home with me. I and my neighbors are ranching through what some have called the perfect storm of...
  11. Linda Poole

    Indigenous, traditional, innovative, and necessary: Return to Native Agriculture

    Great story in Civil Eats that demonstrates how truly regenerative agriculture captures synergy between traditional wisdom and innovation...
  12. Linda Poole

    "Beef is good despite calls to the contrary" - Nicole Niman
  13. Linda Poole

    Iowa State University 2022 Water Resources Internship – Now Accepting Applications

    Looking for a summer internship learning about agriculture and water? Iowa State University may have a program for you: More information at
  14. Linda Poole

    Conservation-friendly farming can benefit both birds and crops

    Cool little article on The Nature Conservancy blog today about how birds can benefit farmers, and vice versa: Read the full story by Olivia Smith at:
  15. Linda Poole

    Regenerative verification and marketing: Land to Market

    From a recent paid press release covered through the Associated Press:
  16. Linda Poole

    Program offers favorable operating loan rates for regen row crops

    Read the full article at:
  17. Linda Poole


    Excellent advice! I will gladly share this information in the webinar! Thank you!
  18. Linda Poole

    BLM Director Tracy Stone-Manning: grazing for land health

    That's the newly minted Director of the Bureau of Land Management, Tracy Stone-Manning speaking. Regenerative grazing practices applied strategically across even part of the 245 million acres managed by BLM could be a tremendous win for ranches and rural communities, and equally so for soil...
  19. Linda Poole


    Welcome, David Fernandez! We are so pleased that you're part of the Soil for Water community! And since you invited questions, here's one for you. First, to set the stage: the small ruminant team at NCAT (the National Center for Appropriate Technology) will be doing a webinar next week with the...
  20. Linda Poole

    Anyone using biochar as a soil amendment?

    Peter of Asheville wrote: Thanks for your post, Peter. I'm just a neophyte in learning about biochar and am enjoying the discussion in this thread. I recently saw a talk by Dr. Francesca Cotrufo, Professor of Soil and Crop Sciences at Colorado State University. Her excellent presentation at...