Search results

  1. Linda Poole

    DROUGHT RESILIENCE NETWORK: Tall Tale Competition!

    Congratulations to our winners of the Dale Strickler Tall Tale Drought Competition! Winklermw wins the non-fiction category with this post: And Paul Heberling wins the fiction (at least we hope this was fictional!) category with this post: For their winning entries, these tall tale tellers...
  2. Linda Poole

    Drought resource sheet for national and California farmers and TA providers

    Rex Dufor of NCAT' California regional office wants to "let folks know about a resource sheet that CDFA recently put out for drought, which has both national and CA-focused resources for TA providers and farmers (attached)." Download the document for a lot of useful info on drought relief...
  3. Linda Poole

    DROUGHT RESILIENCE NETWORK: Tall Tale Competition!

    And the prizes will be -- drum roll, please: One first prize in each of the fiction and non-fiction categories: The winner gets a free copy of your choice of one of Dale Strickler's books: And Dale will select the overall grand prize winner at the end of our third webinar, Thursday, Sept...
  4. Linda Poole

    Dale Strickler's webinar on Ranching for Rain and Drought Resilience starting in about an hour!

    Hey, I hope you're ready for another great webinar with Dale Strickler starting in just under an hour. The worksheet you can use to follow along during the webinar is attached here -- get ready to rank the various drought-beating options for how easy, fast, cheap, and impactful you think they...
  5. Linda Poole

    DROUGHT RESILIENCE NETWORK: Tall Tale Competition!

    Do you suppose the poor deluded donkey froze due to em-bare-ass-ment? 🙃
  6. Linda Poole

    DROUGHT RESILIENCE NETWORK has a new home of its own!

    Hey, we've got a new, permanent home for the Drought Resilience Network that was started in the Dale Strickler webinar yesterday. Go to to find your community, and get to making your own posts! Connect with folks you met in the...
  7. Linda Poole

    DROUGHT RESILIENCE NETWORK: Tall Tale Competition!

    In last night's webinar, Dale Strickler announced the tall tale competition for our network. He said there will be prizes -- I expect he will announce winners at the third webinar in the series on Sept. 22 (you can sign up here if you haven't done that already). I wonder what the prizes might...
  8. Linda Poole

    USDA opens up community gardening initiative

    This from today's news at
  9. Linda Poole


    Hi, all, and it's great to see you here at the Soil for Water forum! This will be a space to start as many threads as you'd like on all things related to BUILDING DROUGHT RESILIENCE. Connect with peers, chat with technical assistance providers (we have a bunch of great people across the U.S...
  10. Linda Poole

    Indigenous farmers reclaim time-honored techniques: Growing traditions in northern New Mexico

    Farmers from Taos Pueblo and the Navajo Nation are reclaiming traditions and restoring food sovereignty, according to this story by Lyric Aquino in High Country News: Read the story at...
  11. Linda Poole

    Moving cattle into the forest could help climate change, farmers and the livestock

    Listen in on this short National Public Radio piece by Jonathon Ahl on silvopasture: Listen to the whole story at
  12. Linda Poole

    The Water Wizard of Western Oregon

    Thank you, Elaine C., for sharing the link to this fantastic video of how to catch and hold more water in soil: It's all about using topography to improve the water cycle for the benefit of regenerative agriculture, land health, and downstream water users. Kudos to Don Tipping, the water wizard...
  13. Linda Poole

    Five crops for a hotter, drier world

    I like munching on lambsquarter leaves but haven't tried pigweed yet. I'll go foraging this weekend!
  14. Linda Poole

    Power-packed presentation: Soil Sponge 101 with Didi Pershouse

    Civil dissent is always welcome here! Do you have another video to pitch as the best intro to the what, why and how of the soil sponge? Please share! The more the better! Thanks!
  15. Linda Poole

    Turn your deadstock into great compost!
  16. Linda Poole

    Five crops for a hotter, drier world

    This is great info, Darron! Makes sense that these crops would work in Texas. I wonder what species might work in Montana -- very cold (down to -50F), very hot (up to 113F), windy, dry. Mostly clay loam soils, soil and water both with a pH between 8 and 9. Amaranth and Kernza will make it but...
  17. Linda Poole

    Five crops for a hotter, drier world

    Sweltering in the August heat and looking out at my drought blasted garden, I wonder if there are better crops I could be growing, ones that thrive despite scant water and way too many hot days. This article in The Guardian looks at five crops that could help feed the world...
  18. Linda Poole

    Power-packed presentation: Soil Sponge 101 with Didi Pershouse

    The best single intro to the what, why and how of the soil sponge may be this video by Didi Pershouse:
  19. Linda Poole

    The secret to soil health is NOT blowing in the wind!

    In a recent article in the Wadena (Minnesota) Pioneer Journal, author Anne Bailey states: Well said! Read the full article at:
  20. Linda Poole

    7 soil-smart ways to prep cropfields for spring planting

    In Seed World this week, author Cassidy Million shares soil health tips for farmers wanting to prep for a successful spring planting. Among the tips is this suggestion and compelling graphic: Read the full article at...