Linda Poole
NCAT Regenerative Grazing Specialist
Join us online on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 to hear from producers and world renowned soil scientist, Dr. Rattan Lal:

- 11 a.m.- 12 p.m. EST
Conference Opening Keynote: Dr. Rattan Lal, 2020 World Food Prize Awardee and Distinguished University Professor of Soil Science, The Ohio State University - 12 – 2 p.m. EST
Carbon Farm Planning
Dr. Jeff Creque, Carbon Cycle Institute
Loren Poncia, Stemple Creek Ranch
Molly Taylor, PT Ranch
Carbon is the principle energy pathway on farms and ranches. Meanwhile, harmful levels of carbon dioxide are building up in our atmosphere as a direct result of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. Through agricultural practices that maintain living roots, minimally disturb the soil, integrate agroforestry systems, utilize alternative soil amendments, and incorporate species diversity, agroecosystems can harness photosynthetic potential to capture atmospheric carbon and store it in above ground biomass and below ground healthy soils. Carbon Farm Planning identifies all opportunities for enhanced carbon capture and storage on farms and ranches with concurrent co-benefits, including improved water holding capacity, biodiversity and productivity.