Search results

  1. Linda Poole

    HMI is hiring: Program and Outreach Manager

    For more information:
  2. Linda Poole

    Adapting to Water Scarcity: Dale Strickler webinar series continues!

    Join this webinar TODAY at 5PM Mountain time to listen, share, and have some fun talking about important stuff with other farmers and ranchers!
  3. Linda Poole

    Adapting to Water Scarcity: Dale Strickler webinar series continues!

    Get ready for another great webinar series on thriving despite water scarcity with renowned rancher, agronomist, and author Dale Strickler! In each of these two webinars, Dale will be joined by a powerful producer panel from across the West who each can say about dry times that they've...
  4. Linda Poole

    Pastured Poultry Field Day with Nicole Masters! Aug. 19, Montana

    People within driving distance of Livingston, Montana, have an absolutely wonderful opportunity to learn the basics of pastured poultry -- and you even get to take home a regeneratively raised chicken, ready for your freezer:
  5. Linda Poole

    Grain sorghum might help farmers adapt to drier times

    A friend has been feeding livestock with milo, aka grain sorghum, with good results. Based on that experience and the article below, it looks like a promising alternative to thirstier crops. Anyone out there have experience with sorghum?
  6. Linda Poole

    Dr. Kathy Soder on raising high health sheep: GREAT PDF HERE!

    Animal scientist and ruminant nutritionist Dr. Kathy Soder has decades of experience raising sheep in Pennsylvania and Montana. With husband Ken and son Nathan, Kathy runs 125 production Dorset ewes on 96 acres, employing cutting edge science (such as laparoscopic artificial insemination)...
  7. Linda Poole

    How do we fix the bare ground problem?

    Oh, and for anyone interested in how Safe-to-Fail trials are working in Texas, sign up for this free webinar:
  8. Linda Poole

    How do we fix the bare ground problem?

    Wonderful post and pictures, Linda Coffey! What a nice flock of sheep! Being a lifelong Northerner, I hesitate to pitch in with ideas. But I love to think about this stuff with other shepherds, so of course I'll give it a whirl! Up here in Montana, if I have too much bare ground in a tamegrass...
  9. Linda Poole

    Graze-a-thon in New Mexico

    This is a great learning opportunity, another wonderful event among the many that the New Mexico Healthy Soil Working Group puts on every year. Don't miss this workshop if you're a new or aspiring grazier within driving distance of Clines Corner, NM.
  10. Linda Poole

    Ah, the many benefits of well-managed sheep grazing!

    Linda Coffey, congratulations on your great new video too:
  11. Linda Poole

    Ah, the many benefits of well-managed sheep grazing!

    The American Lamb Board put out a short film extolling multiple options for earth-friendly sheep grazing:
  12. Linda Poole

    Texas farmers trying cover crops, a traditional ecological practice

    Check out this story from The Guardian: Read the whole story here or at...
  13. Linda Poole

    Fred Provenza answers questions on Zoom May 25!

    Register Now Register Now! Or paste this in your browser to register:
  14. Linda Poole

    Composting in Gro-Beds

    Pretty AND useful -- love it! :love:
  15. Linda Poole

    Composting in Gro-Beds

    Sounds like the wee beasties have a bounteous buffet in your garden, Mike! At the opposite end of the spectrum of how to feed wee garden beasties, 40 years ago my gardening mentor Gram shared her very simple but effective version of composting. She gardened in wide rows but not in raised beds...
  16. Linda Poole

    Composting in Gro-Beds

    This is a cool idea, mikethewormguy! Thank you for sharing the step-by-step process! Have you done any soil tests to compare the before and after of this fermenting/composting process? Among other attributes, I wonder about bacteria vs fungi ratio. I'm curious too about the fermented food...
  17. Linda Poole

    Regenerating Ag's Role in Mitigating Climate Change: April 22 webinar

    With Earth Day just around the corner, you are invited to attend a FREE virtual event: Regenerative Ag's Role in Mitigating Climate Change on Saturday, April 22 at 7:30 PM EST
  18. Linda Poole

    Hurray for National Farm Animals Day!

    Today's the day to celebrate farm animals, the farmers who carefully nurture them, and the many ways that healthy farm animals enrich our world. Here's an explanation of the celebration from the National Day Calendar:
  19. Linda Poole

    Feeding Biochar to livestock

    I've no firsthand experience with feeding biochar, Mike, but where I've seen it most discussed is in reducing digestive methane production by feedlot cattle. I went googling to find answers to your questions and didn't come up with anything definitive -- plenty of intriguing titles for research...