Search results

  1. Linda Poole

    Carbon sequestration and beef are byproducts of good grass management

    For decades now Country Natural Beef has been working at the intersection of community, economy, ecology, and helping family ranchers thrive in changing times. Check out this great story in Inside Climate News: Read the whole story at...
  2. Linda Poole

    John Wicks, carbon farming and climate beneficial wool and lamb!

    John Wicks demonstrates how animal-based carbon farming can help cool the planet in this short video. Even better: John's version of carbon farming also produces beauty, wildlife habitat, improved water cycles, luxurious wool clothing, and delicious, nutrient-dense lamb for your table:
  3. Linda Poole


    Civil Eats focuses on the potentials of biochar in this article by Lisa Held.
  4. Linda Poole

    Amazing grazing recovery on Dixie Creek, Nevada!

    Another video that shows it's not the cow, it's the how:
  5. Linda Poole

    Agro-ecological farming goes beyond organic

    When at the grocery store, I usually purchase organic products. But living in the Northern Great Plains, I see dust storms rolling off organic grain fields where farmers depend on tillage to manage weeds and other pests. In response, I pretty much don't eat grain anymore, because tillage has a...
  6. Linda Poole

    Native grasses for the Southwest

    As water supplies tighten in the Southwestern U.S., one effective strategy might be transitioning irrigated cropland to dryland grazing land. And this is where site-adapted native grasses might be your best bet. USDA's Plant Materials program provides information on some cultivars you might...
  7. Linda Poole

    WEBINAR on recovery from fire and flood

    Want to learn how to help your community bounce forward from catastrophe? Join in this webinar on December 9, 2022, from 8:30 - 10 AM mountain time. The New Mexico Coalition to Enhance Working Lands is partnering with Coalitions and Collaboratives to answer questions about how non-profits and...
  8. Linda Poole

    Webinar on understanding stress and substance use in rural ag

    SEE THIS IMPORTANT LEARNING OPPORTUNITY FROM AGRIBILITY: Corn, Cattle, and a Flask of Whiskey: Understanding stress and substance use in agricultural and rural populations Wednesday, November 30 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET Those of us who work in the business of supporting the well-being of our...
  9. Linda Poole

    EVENT: Save the date for the Jan. 27-8 Western Colorado Soil Health, Food, & Farm Forum

    Wow, what a great bunch of speakers and topics! Wish I lived closer because this is a tremendous line-up for learning!
  10. Linda Poole

    Linda Poole, NCAT in Montana

    Hey there, forum folks, good to meet you! I'm Linda Poole and I work for NCAT, aka the National Center for Appropriate Technology, as a regenerative grazing specialist. I provide technical assistance to ranchers and farmers through the ATTRA and Soil for Water programs. I grew up on a ranch in...
  11. Linda Poole

    The economics and finances of regen ag -- an integrated perspective from Lauren Manning

    In an article at Ag Funder Network Partners, Lauren Manning brought home some of the complexities, opportunities and challenges for regenerative producers: There are many more salient points in this article -- it's well worth the time to read at...
  12. Linda Poole

    EVENT: Healthy Soils, Healthy People with Quivira Coalition in NM

    Great opportunity to learn about soil amendments, soil health, and healthy, happy people too at:
  13. Linda Poole

    Kirk Gadzia intensive holistic training in New Mexico!

    In-depth learning opportunity with one of the grand masters of regenerative ranching:
  14. Linda Poole

    Get the Resource List for the Dale Strickler webinar series!

    Here's the list with all the links to the complete series of webinars -- enjoy!
  15. Linda Poole

    Extreme heat puts pollinators at risk -- and what we can do about it

    Liza Gross's recent article in Civil Eats states that: But as land managers we can help pollinators: Read the full article here.
  16. Linda Poole

    DROUGHT RESILIENCE NETWORK: Tall Tale Competition!

    Hi winklermw, I will see Dale later today and will pick up your book. Please email me at with your mailing address and we'll send the book your way! Congratulations again, and thanks for sharing your story!
  17. Linda Poole

    Innovative community-based alternative to First in Time, First in Right water use

    Kaleb Roedel of KUNR Public Radio posted a story that may be of interest to all of us struggling with over-appropriated water rights: A plan to share the pain of water scarcity divides farmers in this rural Nevada community Read or listen to the whole story to learn more about this emerging...
  18. Linda Poole

    Making ditch diversions more efficient in Oregon

    This from Emily Pontecorvo in Grist: In Oregon, farmers are revamping century-old irrigation canals to stem water loss Converting irrigation ditches into pipelines can save water — and create a new source of renewable energy. Read the story at...
  19. Linda Poole

    Rotational grazing on public lands

    Lee, one emerging option to hot wiring pastures on federal lands is the use of virtual fence:
  20. Linda Poole

    NRCS reseeding the Hermits Peak - Calf Canyon burns

    Natural Resource Conservation Service begins air-dropping seeds and mulch over the burn scar in northern NM