Search results

  1. Linda Poole

    Small Wool Sheep Flock – Partnering to success

    What a great story, John! Love your approach that's good for the community, the land, and your flock! Thanks for sharing!
  2. Linda Poole

    Stock Tank Questions

    Hey Darron, great questions! Not sure if it could be a solution in your client's situation, but one thing that works well is to place moveable water troughs up and a ways away from what y'all in Texas call stock tanks/ponds and we in the north call reservoirs, dams, or dugouts. Set up the water...
  3. Linda Poole

    Troy Bishopp's Grazing Charts for 2022

    That's great, John! And you are most welcome! Please let us know how PastureMap works for you -- always eager to see customer reviews!
  4. Linda Poole

    Following a Dream -- Denice Rackley's Journey to Regen Ag

    For more info on Denice's journey into agriculture, check out these ATTRA podcasts: Denice's shepherding tips and trials: Is a stockdog right for your farm...
  5. Linda Poole

    Following a Dream -- Denice Rackley's Journey to Regen Ag

    Check out the regenerative journey of a member of the Soil for Water Network, and find her on the Soil for Water Atlas: Denice Rackley tells her fun and inspiring story of transformation from city girl to accomplished shepherd in this story in Producer's Voice: Read the full story --...
  6. Linda Poole

    Soil quality critical to help some U.S. crops weather heat stress

    Seems like it just keeps getting hotter every year! How can producers adapt and thrive when the heat is on? Carol Clark writes in Emory University's eScience Commons that: Find the full article at:
  7. Linda Poole

    Soil for Water Project in Arkansas Looks at Effects of Overgrazing

    The Soil for Water team is grateful for a grant from USDA's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program to work with diverse partners to advance the practice of regenerative grazing in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Virginia. John Lovett's article, posted today, explains: Want to...
  8. Linda Poole

    A Wild, Windy Spring Is Creating a Soil Erosion Nightmare for Farmers

    A June 6, 2022, article by Virginia Gewin in Civil Eats states: Farmers from across the Great Plains are facing increasing challenges with winds beyond any they've seen before: What to do to keep your soil in place? Practice the soil health principles, especially keeping soil covered and...
  9. Linda Poole

    Recommended resources for regenerative graziers!

    You might use this checklist to consider and prioritize next steps on your journey with regenerative grazing. These are just a few links to useful information from among a universe of options, so let us know if there are other resources you'd like to recommend to the Soil for Water community...
  10. Linda Poole

    Building soil microbial communities: Judith Fitzpatrick

    A cool tool for investigating soil biology is the microBIOMETER, and their newsletter is well worth a read too. This article by Dr. Judith Fitzpatrick, from their June newsletter, addresses the basics as well as nuances of managing land to build vibrant soil microbial communities: Read the...
  11. Linda Poole

    USDA's ABCs of soil health -- check it out!

    This compendium of soil concepts is fun -- like a kiddies' alphabet book, but for all of us who care about soil: See if you can guess what each letter might represent -- I learned a new word at "Z"...
  12. Linda Poole

    Some Ranchers Are Restoring Grasslands to Build Water Reserves

    According to a May, 2021 article in Civil Eats by Greta Moran, Western ranchers are restoring diverse, grassland ecosystem practices that can improve the land’s capacity to hold water—and help them hold onto more cattle. Julie Sullivan of Colorado is quoted: Moran goes on to state: We've yet...
  13. Linda Poole

    Post-fire recovery resources

    At Soil for Water, our hearts go out to everyone impacted by catastrophic wildfires in New Mexico. As if the fires aren't horrendous enough, post-fire flooding can exponentially expand the damage to landscapes and communities. Carol Ekarius of the Colorado-based nonprofit Coalitions and...
  14. Linda Poole

    How One Oregon Farmer Implemented Permaculture Techniques to Conserve Water

    A June, 2022, article by Kelsey Ogletree in Modern Farmer shares the impressive success of Brenda Smola-Foti in using well-planned landforming techniques to capture and hold more water in her farm's soil: Read the full article at:
  15. Linda Poole

    Oklahoma's Bergen Ranch is resilient to drought, thanks to the soil sponge

    We are excited to welcome Susan Bergren and the Bergren Ranch to the Soil for Water Network and Atlas! Clearly, Susan is our kind of people, based on an article about Susan in Modern Farmer which stated: Read more at:
  16. Linda Poole

    Farmers in the Great Plains change their practices which changes their local climate!

    Can our farming practices change the local climate, and if so, how? This 2018 article by Ellen Stuart-Haëntjens in Massive Science summarizes how the practice of summer fallowing in dryland small grain cropping systems affects local rainfall and temperatures: Read the story at...
  17. Linda Poole

    Brad Lancaster transforming Tucson (back into) a desert oasis!

    HernanC, have you watched Brad's TedX video? It's a deeper dive ;) into harvesting rain to create abundance and a whole lot of joy!
  18. Linda Poole

    California Farmers and Cattle Ranchers Struggle to Survive Unprecedented Water Cuts

    In a May 26, 2022, article in Civil Eats, Rachel Becker covers the story of how Sacramento Valley growers protected for decades by their water rights are suffering for the first time during this record-breaking drought. Migrant workers, Tribes, fisheries and wildlife refuges are struggling, too...
  19. Linda Poole

    Managing grasslands in drought: a Montana perspective

    Ric Caqulelin, retired NRCS Montana State Range Specialist, shared useful advice on exactly how to think about managing grazing lands through drought: Read the article for details, but...
  20. Linda Poole

    Got drought? Consider restoration thinning of pine forests.

    Not only might judicious thinning help reduce the risk of stand-replacing wildfires, but a recent study by Sankey and Tatum (Scientific Reports, 2022) found that restoration thinning of ponderosa pine forests can improve their drought resilience...